I was never involved with any type of defensive training or firearms training growing up. I was fortunate enough to become introduced to defensive shooting by my ex-husband, and we found a defensive pistol shoot, run by Dave and his father Stu, on Tuesday nights and attended as often as we could. I was immediately drawn to the format of this event, and I have been a Range Officer on Tuesday night now for three years. Once involved in the defensive pistol sports, I realized that you need more answers to life threatening situations than just a gun. So, with that thought, my interest in unarmed self defense increased as well.
I have taken many of RPDs personal defense courses, as well as Insights Unarmed Self Defense and Defensive Knife Class. I cannot stress enough that you need to have unarmed skills because you will not always be able to have your gun with you or maybe even get the chance to deploy and/or use it. I started taking more training with Insights, Sig Academy, and was even fortunate enough to go to Thunder Ranch. With some encouragement by Dave Jenkins, three years ago, I became an NRA Instructor. Soon after, I became an instructor with Rochester Personal Defense, LLC. After gaining more experience in teaching, I am now the Lead Instructor in the Womens Training Division for Rochester Personal Defense, LLC. I truly enjoy teaching firearms and unarmed defensive skills. There is nothing better than teaching someone a new skill, then watching them perform the skill with confidence. I also am always learning new things from my students. I strive to teach at the highest level possible. In order to achieve this, I attend as much training every year as my schedule, and finances, will allow. I do not believe that just because you are now certified in an area that means you do not have to continue training and learning. Every one of us can learn something new. I also am afforded the chance to help plan new classes and training for the Rochester Personal Defense, LLC curriculum.
The world is an ever changing place. My attitude is to always hope for the best, but always be prepared for the worst. I want to do all that I can to avoid being preyed upon, and I achieve that mindset through knowledge, skills, practice, AND lots and lots of training.